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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dinner by Color

So it doesn't happen often, but every now and then I have to be away while my hubby is out of town.  Luckily I live on the best street with the best neighbors who watch my girl for me!  Since we haven't had a No Daddy Dinner (NDD) in a while I wanted to make sure to get one on here even though I'm not eating at home. So I present, Dinner by Color!

I started with a paper plate and markers! I took stock of what was in my fridge (and what I wanted Mary Ann to eat) and came up with the following plate!

Then, with a little guidance I let her loose in the fridge!

Her goal was to choose a food that matched each color on the plate.  Her first color was green.  Now, as a disclaimer, my kiddo loves peas! I had them already cooked and knew she would choose them.  Other options for green could be cucumber, broccoli, kiwi, grapes, green apple, green pepper etc. If you're kiddo isn't feelin' the fruit and veggie route you could use key lime yogurt or grab some green food coloring and go for pancakes, green eggs or something like that!

Next up is orange.  My kiddo picked carrots.  I was ready to let her have carrots, a clementine, mango or canned peaches. 

Strawberries were the winner for red! I had strawberries, apples, grapes, and cherry tomatoes on hand. Watermelon would have been great!

For brown the winner was turkey!  I stuck two slices in a whole wheat pita. As you can see by my picture she didn't want to wait to eat it and threw down a half eaten carrot to get at it! Brown is where the sky is the limit.  For traditional kiddo food you can use chicken nuggets, hotdogs, fish sticks etc.  I wanted to stick with something a little healthier.  You could probably qualify any sandwich as brown!

Finally we get to blue!  I know there are not a lot of blue foods out there.  You could use this for dessert (popsicle, lollipop, candy etc).  Our choice was blueberry yogurt!


Other colors might be:
yellow - banana, squash, corn, peppers, pineapple
purple - potatoes, eggplant, blackberries, grapes

So even when Dad's away and Mom is out for the night a fun easy dinner is at your fingertips!

Here's to No Daddy Dinners!

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