Shabby Background

Friday, July 5, 2013

Balsamic Venison Backstrap and Zucchini Boats

No Daddy Dinner (NDD) #1: Balsamic Venison Backstrap and Zucchini Boats

My Dad, Grandfather and Uncle are avid hunters in Illinois and so we are rarely in a shortage of venison.  For tonight's NDD I prepared a backstrap. Backstraps are also known as tenderloins and run along the spine of a deer.  They are a pretty tender cut of meat however; as with all game meat, can be easily overcooked.

I thawed my venison overnight in the refrigerator and then marinated it for about 5 hours.  I first seasoned the meat with salt and pepper and then rubbed on fresh rosemary.  Finally, I covered the meat in a balsamic reduction. You can reduce your own or use a bottled product. Cover with plastic warp and refrigerate.

A little closer to dinner I prepared the Zucchini Boats. I pierce zucchini with a fork and place them in the microwave for a minute or so (depending on the size of your zucchini) until they are soft.  Allow them to cool and then slice long-ways down the middle.  Remove the center and place in a bowl.  Here you are welcome to mix anything with the zucchini-innards. This time I used mozzarella, bread crumbs salt and pepper.  I usually like to use a little cream cheese too to keep things moist but I didn't have any on hand. Combine your ingredients and place back into the zucchini.

Place your filled zucchini boats in an oven safe dish and bake at 350° for about 20min or until heated through and brown on top. 

My daughter, keeps watch for me!

When your ready to cook your venison fire up the grill. I start with med-high because I like the outside of my meat a little charred on the outside.  Place the tenderloin on the grill and let it be for about three minutes.  Then turn the tenderloin 90° on the same side to make nice grill marks.  After about another three minutes flip the tenderloin and finish cooking to your preference.  Remember anything beyond med or med-rare is going to start to get tough. Let your meat rest for 10 min after taking it off the grill to allow juices to disburse through the meat.

I want to show you the piece of meat I was using from a side angle.  Note how one end is considerably thicker than the other.  I actually like this because it allows me to eat my meat less done than my daughter.

Finally, slice your meat and zucchini for the little one and yourself.  I apologize for the quality of the pictures as my good camera (aka. not my iPhone) is unavailable at the moment.  I am not sure how to make plating toddler food look appetizing so if you have any ideas feel free to share! 

Here's to No Daddy Dinners!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

While Daddy is away the girls will play!

I'm a momma and wife.  My husband is a Captain in the United States Army and is gone frequently. This leaves my daughter (1 1/2 years) and me alone for dinner. Tired of eating cereal, popcorn and microwave dinners I am embarking on a journey of keeping dinners fun and interesting while leaving boxed mac and cheese and hotdogs long behind!

For many years I treated my nights without my husband as a reason to skip cooking and simply eat something handy.  Cheese and crackers, popcorn, cereal and grilled PB&J (thanks Lauren B) were staples of my 'hubby's gone' diet.  When I had my daughter in Dec of 2011 things changes slightly.  I would make her a decent dinner of the reserved mac 'n' cheese, hotdogs etc. that were saved for a night when dad was gone and I would continue to eat whatever was handy and easy.

The first thing that set me on this journey to blog 'No Daddy Dinners' (NDD) was the fact that my husband received the opportunity to take on a job that would make him absent frequently. Secondly, I realized/already knew that the dinners my daughter and I were eating on our Dad-less nights were less than healthy and full of preservatives and sodium.

I am a woman surviving heart failure.  I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 2008. The main change in my diet after this diagnosis was to reduce my sodium intake.  Other than that I try to eat as healthy as I can but let's face it mac 'n' cheese is just awesome :)

So I raise a toast to my adventure. An opportunity to treat myself and my daughter when the hubs is away rather than grabbing what is close and easy.  My goal is to be good to my heart and body while treating my tastebuds, and occasionally giving in to those foods that make your tummy happy too!

Here's to No Daddy Dinners!